Cakey Pudding

2 Eggs Weigh your eggs in their shells. Let their mass be X grammes.
X grammes best Butter
2X/3 grammes sugar Cream butter and sugar together. I don't like my cakes so sweet anymore, so I often reduce the sugar even more. You can't reduce it to less than X/2 or the pudding will have a strange texture.
The eggs Break the eggs into the creamed butter and sugar. Beat well (I use a wooden spoon).
X grammes plain flour You can use a gluten-free flour if you like. If you do, add also a teaspoon of Guar gum. Add the flour little by little to the rest of the mixture, stirring well.

Also add:

Baking powder Mix baking powder (i.e., tartaric acid plus sodium hydrogen carbonate; not baking soda which is just pure NaHCO3) in the appropriate amount for your flour, and a little more.
Sultanas to taste I generally add a generous handful for a two-egg pudding.
Square cake-tin, lightly greased Scrape the pudding mixture into the tin, then bake for 20 minutes at 180° C (or until a skewer inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean)

Serve with Egg Custard or Icecream while still warm; or allow to cool and eat cold.

This recipe my Grandmother used to make if she had kids around unexpectedly.

Last modified: Tue Aug 17 11:02:41 EST 2004