
Ratatouille is a fancy name for Aubergine (which is a fancy name for Eggplant) and Zucchini (a fancy name for Courgettes (a fancy name for little marrows)). This recipe is a simplified version, that I invented after tasting some at a restaurant in Melbourne.

About half a large eggplant     Clean, and cut into lumps about 3cm cube. Some recipe books advocate sprinkling with salt, but I never bother. Put the lumps under water in a bowl, or they'll go brown.
A couple of tablespoons of fruity Olive Oil
One medium onion (pref. purple), chopped roughly
Two cloves garlic, crushed Heat the oil in a pan, add onion and garlic; fry until they begin to smell a little cooked. They should not yet be brown
The cubed eggplant Add to pan
Red sweet pepper (capsicum), cleaned and roughly chopped Add to pan
One or two zuccchini, roughly chopped Add to pan, and stir occasionally, until eggplant, pepper and zucchini begin to brown. They should not at this stage be anywhere near cooked.
Three tomatos (Roma, by choice) roughly choppedAdd to pan, plus a little water,
Cover and simmer until everything's cooked. You can leave the vegetables a little crunchy, or cook until everything loses its texture — your choice. Taste and correct seasoning before serving (if the tomatoes were very sour you may need to add a little honey or sugar; I like a generous dash of black pepper in the mix at this stage).

Last modified: Sat Mar 11 20:53:20 EST 2006