Ginger Honey Habanero Sauce

Habaneros around here when in season come in fairly large packs, always too much for one or two meals. So I make this sauce, and then I can enjoy the Habanero Heat all year.

1 medium onionpeel and chop roughly
2 medium carrotspeel and chop roughly
1 tablespoon oil(I use extra-virgin olive oil, but you can do as you wish). Saute the onion and carrot for a few minutes over a low heat. Do not allow to brown.
1 large knob ginger, peeled and rough choppedYou need about the same amount of ginger as carrot. Cut it into chunks about 25mm diameter and 5mm thick. Add to the pan.
Stir the pan frequently, for around 5 minutes, then remove from the heat.
8--12 HabanerosRemove the seeds, and cut into chunks. Add to the pan. (I haven't tried this, but you could try charring the habaneros and then rubbing off the skin. I suggest rubber gloves and eye protection if you do this :-)
100ml WaterCook the mixture gently until the carrots are soft (about another five minutes). Add water as necessary to prevent sticking and burning.
Transfer the cooked mixture to a blender
4 tblspn HoneyThe kind that is runny.
Juice of one lemonAdd to blender; puree until smooth. Add more water if necessary.
Taste the mixture and add more honey and/or lemon if necessary
Reduce the mixture in the pan, stirring constantly (try not to cough into the pan) until the mixture looks about the right consistency
Clean, sterilised jarsyou can sterilise jars sufficiently for this by pouring boiling water into them, leaving it for five minutes, emptying and repeating). Pour the mixture into the jars, label them and seal them

The sauce needs to be refrigerated after opening; it continues to improve and get hotter for a few weeks after it has been made.

Also I've found that the distinctive habanero flavour disappears at first, but returns after about three or four weeks

Peter Chubb
Last modified: Tue Aug 1 12:01:54 EST 2006