Cauliflower Soup

Last time Lucy and I went to Elysium, I had a wonderful Cauliflower Soup as a starter. This is my attempt to reproduce the soup.
1 large cauliflower
1.5l vegetable stock Cut up the cauliflower and simmer it gently in the stock until just tender. I use a commercial salt-reduced stock powder made by Massel, mixed up half strength.
250ml milk Blend the cauliflower with the milk (or push the cauliflower through a moulinette). Add only enough milk to blend the cauliflower; I find I need to do it in several batches.
Mix the blended mixture back into the stock, warm it through, and correct the seasoning

Serve in flattish bowls sprinkled with a little chilli oil.

For increased richness (and calories!) add butter and egg yolk. (whisk the egg yolk in a separate bowl, add some of the soup to it, then return the mixture to the pan, and heat gently stirring constantly slowly clockwise, as if for a custard)

Last modified: Wed Aug 11 18:48:55 AEST 2021