I'm Not Nebuchadnezzar

A game that I play with my daughters, maybe while waiting for a bus or on a long trip.

The rules

First choose a literary corpus familiar to all the players. You could use, the Bible, or the New Testament, or Children's Stories (the ones I've read to the girls) or maybe all the Australian Prime Ministers. The only requirement is that all the players know something about all the people involved.

One of the players starts, by thinking of a character and saying: ‘I am not Nebuchadnezzar, I am letter’ where letter is the first letter of the character's name.

The other players think of people in the corpus, and ask questions about characteristics of the people they think of. The questions must not mention the name of the character.

The first player answers questions by identifying a person that the question applies to, and saying, ‘I am not person

If the first player cannot think of a person that the question applies to, he or she says, ‘I don't know that one’; the questioner then has to say who the question referred to, and if all parties agree that the person is in the corpus, then the questioner gets a free yes-or-no answer question.

The game ends when the questioner can no longer prevaricate, and has to admit that he or she is a person.

The game is harder to describe than to play.

An example

Corpus: Children's Literature.

I am not Nebuchadnezzar, I am TThinking of Tintin
Do you shunt engines all day?Thinking of Thomas the Tank engine
I am not Topham HatAh, foiled
Are you a tank engine?trying again
I am not Thomas the Tank EngineCan't think of any other Ts that are tank engines
Are you a tractor?Thinking of Bob-the Builder
Don't know that one
It's Travis, from Bob the BuilderQuestioner gets a free binary-answer question
Are you alive or a machine?Tries to eliminate all the engines in Thomas, the machines in Bob the Builder, etc
Are you very bouncy?
I am not Tigger
Do you own a dog called ‘Snowy’?
I am TintinCaught at last...

Peter Chubb
Last modified: Tue Jun 9 14:15:57 EST 2009